Smart Choices

 The New Prague School District is working to improve the health and scholastic achievement of students by increasing opportunities to eat healthy foods in the schools, while decreasing access to unhealthy foods.

If the obesity epidemic, which starts in childhood, is left unchecked, this will be the first generation of Americans in two centuries, who will not live longer lives than their parents. Increasing access to healthy foods in schools, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, and decreasing access to unhealthy foods will help reduce the obesity epidemic.

There is a proven, direct link between diet and the ability of students to learn well in school. By increasing access to healthy foods and decreasing access to unhealthy foods, students will be better equipped to learn.

From physical activity to healthy food environments in schools to district-wide policies that support healthy choices; teachers, school food service, nursing staff, and administrators are working together to create long-term change that produces lasting health and academic benefits for the community’s youth.