Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)

SEPAC is a volunteer committee that meets periodically throughout the school year to share information and discuss issues of concern and interest specifically related to educational programming for students with special needs. The Committee provides feedback to the New Prague Special Services department so that it is better able to meet the needs and address the concerns of district students and their families.

SEPAC is a partnership between parents, educators, and others interested in students with disabilities and/or receiving special services through the New Prague Area Schools.

Persons in attendance may gain information related to selected topics and special education in general as well as express needs and wants, offer discussion and feedback, and network with others.

All parents, staff, and community members are welcome to attend!

Our Purpose:

The purpose of SEPAC is to empower families of children with disabilities and other special needs, to advise and recommend effective and responsible education services, to provide a vision for the future, to advocate for programs and system change, and to represent everyone's voice regarding students with disabilities. 

SEPAC goals include:

  1. continued improvement to the system of ongoing communication between parents and staff,
  2. building on a network of support for parents and special education staff throughout the district,
  3. improving the ease of transition from program to program,
  4. identifying the needs and subsequently implementing policies to meet those needs, and
  5. creating an environment where all feel supported and welcome.

To be added to the New Prague SEPAC mailing list or to request further information, please contact: