Here Comes The Bus

New Prague Area Schools has installed a new application that allows tracking of school buses online. It is linked to the GPS systems used on the buses and allows viewing of the real-time location of buses on a smartphone, tablet or computer, according to NPAS Operations Director, Craig Most. "We just think it's an excellent tool to help parents manage their lives, so they know when buses are coming".

The app called Here Comes the Bus, is available to students and parents at New Prague Area Schools.  Synovia Solutions, which makes the GPS tracking technology that NPAS uses for its bus fleet, developed the app.

"With Here Comes the Bus, you can send your child to the bus stop at just the right time, helping to avoid missed buses or long waits in freezing temperatures, pouring rain, the hot sun, strong winds or rush-hour traffic," according to Synovia Solutions' website.

Parents now have the ability see the location of their child's bus before and after school and confirm that the bus arrived at the stop or school. Parents can also sign up to receive push notifications on iPhone and Android phones, or receive an email when the bus is a certain distance from the bus stop.

To sign in, you will need to use school code number 82216, and your child's Student ID/Student Number.  Your child's ID/Number can be found by logging into your child's Infinite Campus portal. If you do not know your child's ID/Number, please contact the school your child attends and ask for their number.