Planning for Success: Feedback Form

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We welcome your feedback!

The New Prague Area Schools are committed to providing meaningful engagement opportunities for our staff, parents, students, and community, even during difficult times. If you choose to complete this form, please provide your input and feedback about the Planning for Success process in a respectful and appropriate manner that aligns with "The New Prague Way" principles. These principles include doing what's right, committing to excellence, and demonstrating care for others. Submissions must be completed by February 19th.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

Planning for Success


Community Events

Informational Presentations
Location: CEC Board Room
◾ Friday, Feb. 23, 9:00 AM
◾ Thursday, Feb. 29, 6:00 PM
◾ Thursday, Mar. 14, 9:00 AM
◾ Monday, Mar. 18, 6:00 PM

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