Staff Blocks

Search for people on this page

This can be done. It is not easy and shouldn't be attempted without a good understanding of HTML (and maybe some CSS). It must be done by editing the source code for the "Content Block" (the <> widget/button in the TinyMCE editor).

  1. The list item <li> tag for each individual user can be copied and pasted from other "Staff Blocks", including from our other sites (district, school, community ed, etc). You'll need to view the source code of the page you're copying from to get the code.
  2. Make sure you copy the ordered list <ol> and the preceding 6(?) division <div> tags as well as the closing tags </o> </div>. Each list item <li> will go between a single set of the opening and closing tags.
  3. If the user is copied from a different site than the one you're copying it to (district, school, community ed, etc) the link tag <a> around the user's name will need to be edited to include the other site's URL (change the relative URL to an absolute URL).
    ex: "/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2171989&amp;type=u" would need to be changed to have "" added before the "/apps/...".
  4. As above (#3) you will also need to add the absolute path for the email link.
    ex: "/apps/email/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2171989" would need to be changed to have "" added before the "/apps/...".
  5. The type/template of the list can be changed in the "staff_group_main" div tag <div id="staff_group_main" class="staff-list desktop template-1" aria-live="polite">. The templates are "template-0" through "template-5".