Google Classroom

 TIP Sheets & Frequently Asked Questions

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Starting a new school year with Google Classroom involves three (3) steps:

  1. All old classes are archived
  2. Create a new class for each section
  3. Reuse Posts from other classes

Watch the 10-min video below to see the step-by-step instructions.

Google HelpCreate a class

  • Year-long Classes (same students): Continue using the same GC classes
  • Semester Classes (new student rosters): Create new GC classes

TIP SheetGoogle Classroom: End of Semester 1 - Options

You can create a class to assign work and post announcements to students.

Google HelpCreate a class

You can add an assignment from another class by using the "Reuse Post" option.

Google HelpReuse a Post

After you create a class, you can change the class settings. For example, you can change how classwork posts appear on the Stream page. Your changes apply only to the class you update. To update multiple classes, make the changes in each class.

Google HelpView or change Stream page settings

You can invite students to enroll in your class in 3 ways:

  • Send an invite link—Students click the link to join.
  • Send an email invite—Students can join from the email or in Classroom.
  • Share a class code—Students enter the code in Classroom.

Note: Students can unenroll themselves from classes. If they unenroll, their grades are removed.

Google HelpInvite students to your class

You can join a class with:

  • A class link—Your teacher sends you the link.
  • A class code—Your teacher sends or tells you the class code. 
  • An email invite—Your teacher sends you the invite. 

After you join a class on one device, you're enrolled in that class for all devices.

Google HelpJoin a class as a student

Yes... By default, you get email notifications for some activities, such as when someone comments on your post or your teacher returns work. Students and teachers can change their notification settings at any time. If you use Classroom on a mobile device, you need to update the settings on your device as well.

Google HelpTurn notifications on or off

The Google Classroom "Home" page displays all of your classes. You can change the order of your classes on the Classroom homepage. Classes can be archived, edited, and copied. In addition, teachers and students can use the Classroom menu to review assignments for all of their classes.

Google HelpReorder your class cards | Archive or delete a class

Google HelpView all your students' work (for teachers)

Google HelpSee your work for a class (for students)

In Classroom, teachers can create a unique Meet link for each class, making it easy for teachers and students to join class video meetings. Only teachers can create the Meet link. All Meet links created in Classroom are nicknamed links, which help teachers manage participants.

Google HelpSet up a video meeting in Classroom

Yes... You can use the same classroom link or create a new link for multiple classes. Watch the video below for a demonstration.

The Google Forms Quiz feature provides an option to release grades "immediately after each submission." Depending on which settings the teacher chooses, students will be able to view their score, which questions they answered correctly, and the correct answers. After providing students with enough time for feedback, the teacher can change the release grades option to "later, after manual review." This will prevent students from viewing quiz questions at a later date, and sharing those questions with future students.